Close in spirit
Arslan: The Warriors of Legend
About a hundred years ago, humanity was attacked by a mysterious race of giant human -like creatures. For the most part, they do not demonstrate signs of intelligence and are guided, it seems, one goal – to gobble as many people as possible. Titans do not feel fatigue, fear is unknown to them, and in the place of the cut -off limbs they quickly grow new. No one knows what they need and where they come from, and if the titanium is killed, having hit the area on the back of the neck, then his body will simply dissolve in the air.
The monsters could not destroy civilization: the survivors managed to build three huge walls, one after another, creating several safe zones. In any case, the last hundred years all considered them safe.
All You Need Is Kill
Once near the external fortification literally from nowhere, a titan of colossal size arose – above the fifty -meter wall! With one blow of his leg, he broke through a gap into which the crowds of monsters poured smaller. During the ladder that began in front of Little Eren, his mother died.
► Beauty A.O.T. Wings of Freedom not to name, but she knows how to hide her shortcomings and focus on the merits. For example, on beautiful models of characters, which are almost alive … in the sense, as in anime.
The shocked boy vowed to join the scouts – a soldier who leave the last refuge of mankind and explore the outside world. Now he will not calm down until he cleans the world of heartless cannibals.
Wings of Freedom is the "Gameization" of the first season of the Japanese animation series Attack on Titan. For Koei Tecmo and studios Omega Force Similar projects are in the order of things. They are usually done according to one principle: the script already known to the audience is taken, cleansed of everything “superfluous” (almost all dialogs, excursions into the past and so on), and the remaining – key – the events of history are diluted with horse doses of action.
► In plot scenes, a lot of attention is paid to relations between the characters, but in the anime there was even more. If you are not warmed by some naivety of dialogs, then the series is at your service.
Typically, in such cases, they say that “this game is focused only on anime and manga fans”, but Wings of Freedom gives the impression of a more or less self -sufficient work. Everything you need to understand the events will be informed for you, and for the details and internal experiences of the heroes it will be possible to turn to the series. Fans will immediately begin to notice the numerous – where small ones, and where serious ones are inconsistencies. And those who, with zero “preparation” came to the game for incredible beatings, will receive them in full, and then, perhaps, they will want to get acquainted with the original source.
In terms of the connection of the game and anime, the final seems the only problem – it can only be called so conditional, with the epithet "intermediate". Alas! Such is the reckoning of the incomplete story to game rails.
►, as it should, most of the universes created in Japan, without eccentric characters were not there. One girl always thinks about food, but this lady from intelligence almost squeals with delight every time she manages to look at the titans.
Persons are all familiar: Eren, Mikasa and Armin – from among the recruits, the most experienced Levy – as an experienced fighter. In addition to the main campaign trying to hold on to a beaten path, there is both an “epilogue” in Wings of Freedom and the opportunity to hunt Titans with friends. There are even more characters in these modes.
The differences between fighters are not as noticeable as in other similar games Koei Tecmo, but some are still able to surprise. Armin, for example, may indicate to the comrades the moment when it should be attacking, which is very useful, since otherwise they act very stupidly and all the dirty work has to be done by themselves.
► The scenes on the engine are very good. Flights on cables and plot inserts are the main incentive for passing Wings of Freedom.
Flight or death
This universe attracts a unique combination of post -apocalypse and incomprehensible, monstrous, incredibly ridiculous creatures, all forces trying to destroy humanity. The titans look almost like people, although they have no genital organs, and the proportions of their bodies are terribly distorted. The most terrible is the unnatural expressions of faces, especially the smiles, which are preserved even at those moments when the blades rip off the only vulnerable zone on the neck of the titanium.
► at the time of the murder of the titanium, the screen looks something like this.
It is easy to understand Eren and Mikasu: from the type of titans, with invariably moronic faces of eating your friends and relatives, frost is striving on the skin. And in the series these incomprehensible (and often unpredictable!) enemies horror with one look. It is not so easy to deal with them.
In the game, everything, of course, is different, and local freaks no longer make such a strong impression. However, in comparison with the same Dynasty Warriors , where with one click of the gamepad button you can send dozens of opponents to the next world, Wings of Freedom will be more complicated. But in general, it is quite simple: for one fifteen-minute mission you can kill not two or three titans, but a few dozen.
► Several times we will be able to play for titanium. Nothing special: we run around the district, and we are ragging other freaks. Playing people is much more interesting.
The main achievement of the game is not the very opportunity to deal with many ridiculous monsters, but how it is served. There are more than any person, many of them are higher than most buildings, therefore, soldiers use devices for “spatial maneuvering” for movement – like cunning mechanisms that allow you to dissect in the city, forests and some other types of terrain at great speed. Not wrestlers with evil, but natural spiders!
Wings of Freedom cannot boast of advanced graphics, but the game is truly breathtaking. You should cling to the next two buildings, how the desire to walk will fall away forever. Jumping, Roof run, giant with one blow to the house under us, but we have already flown away … Another jump, a dashing turn around the corner, the signal smoke is visible, and the titanium looms below. The fastenings dig into his neck, the fighter gives gas, flies up, attacks, clings to the nearest walls again – without touching the ground! – And flies away. And after all, in the air, our position can only be changed slightly – in the end, we are not flying on a helicopter ..
► If you manage to get to the titanium from the rear, you often manage to deal with it with one blow.
The case is not limited to urban battles: it is rarely manifested in open areas for something, so there is our main assistant-a combat horse, trained to run up to us at once, as we touch on the earth.
► In an open field, it is dangerous to fight the titans: you can't leave them on your two. And if the horse also exhales ..
Of course, the campaign came out monotonous-from the tasks there are only “guard”, “kill” and “reached”-but in eight to ten hours it will not be bored. This militant is painfully cool, it is for nothing that the ingredients for him are mostly familiar. And how else? Omega Force develops several games per year.
Training day
It may seem that Levy, Mikas and their comrades would easily get rid of all enemies and without your help, but there are two important “but”.
► sometimes, in very rare cases, with one blow you can tie two enemies at once. It is a pity that the titans do not have enough brains to evaluate such power.
Firstly, the blades eventually become unusable, and the gas necessary for maneuvering in the air ends. Both that and the other, and some other consumables can often be found directly on the battlefield: take from the suppliers or lifted from the corpse of a colleague. Naturally, Wings of Freedom could not do without role -playing elements: new skills for characters do not always affect the alignment of forces so seriously, but improving equipment and weapons is a completely different matter! Collecting a new sword is not so simple: you have to dig money and materials.
► management is very simple: if you can cling to something, then after pressing the button, the hero immediately soars up. If not, you will be informed about this. In flight, it remains only to choose the direction of movement, the game itself will help the rest.
Secondly, closer to the finale will have to periodically deal with special, armored, giants. The final boss, with which we are fighting for several missions, are much more dangerous than simple giants – this is the simple wave of the sword to not cope.
It all looks excellent: to peer into the textures of the earth and walls once, and the characters and titans look almost like in the series. What is there, and the environment also has a decent look. Even the PC version turned out to be decent: Koei Tecmo often has problems with PC (you recall the ever-inhibitory Bladestorm: Nightmare and permanent slide show in Toukiden: Kiwami ), but this time it seemed to cost.
► Titans are usually slow, but the soldiers still regularly die with a terrible and painful death.
The situation is better on PS4, although there are questions for shadows and some objects materialized with obvious late. In addition, at the time of the murder of titanium, the frequency of personnel sometimes sags. But it doesn’t matter: at that moment there are so many messages on the screen that you still have no time.
* * *
A world resembling Europe of the 19th century, living in constant fear of a powerful and incomprehensible enemy. Intriguing story – however, it has not ended yet. And, of course, amazing, albeit to a certain extent, imaginary freedom of movement ..
These three components distinguish Wings of Freedom from among other Omega Force works and translate the game from the category of the usual “wall to wall” to almost tactical action, where each enemy will have to devote time, and an careless maneuver can make you helpless and vulnerable.
Bringing with titans does not bother to the very end, even when instead of meaningful plot tasks, we begin to feed the same type. But one thing can be said for sure: this “flying” action definitely deserves the attention of all fans of militants who do not have an allergy to Japanese games as a whole and Omega Force work in particular.
- unusual world and intriguing history;
- incredibly dynamic battles;
- pretty picture;
- Suitable for both fans of the series, which is not familiar with the world Attack on Titan.
- fleet campaign;
- Titan is not so terrible as he is painted;
- monotonous side tasks.
How we played
What: The game is provided by the publisher. On what: PS4 How many: Twelve hours.
"Achivka" of the editorial office
"The game is only the beginning"
Alternate the passage of plot missions with watching episodes of the series.
About localization
Texts in English, voice acting – in Japanese.
Site assessment
In many ways, Wings of Freedom is a typical game of Omega Force, but she inherited from the universe Attack on Titan, too many interesting features to go around this dynamic militant.